Interview with A.-t-
by 3D Addict
Here comes an interview with a graphician from the Atari scene.His images are fantastic, and if you
consider the fact that all of his recent images are no copy, youll agree with me that he is one of the
best scene graphicians.
3D Addict
Ok. Let's start with the usual question.Tell me a little bit about
My real name is Kay -t-, and now I am 26 years old. Since half a year I live in Hamburg and I like it
a lot. Since April 97 I studie Communicationdesign and beside that I found a very cool job in a
computergrafic-factory. In the last time I have done all the animations for a fat game (with the
same promotion (and quality)-capacity as Tomb Rider), with 3D Studio MAX+Characterstudio thats a
lot of fun and YES I get money for this =)..but something that is even better is that, in the
following weeks I will be trained on a SGI and ALIAS/Poweranimator...I'am very happy about these
things...and in the new school I also learn much about traditional grafics like comic-painting,
different paint-technics etc. etc...all in all I learned a lot of new things since my last
competitionpicture in march 97 and I also got a lot new influences...
WOW!that sounds great!Every CG artist dream, I guess :)Please describe yourself as a person.
Are you a cool type of a guy ormore funny one?Do you take life seriously or are you more relaxed
and live the life without thinking much about the future?
I am afraid that I'm a little bit crazy...but I can manage it =)...I live in a very relaxed way
and enjoy my life. The situation right now is very good for me because I can work when I want
to and I get enough money to have an enjoyable life... I don't think a lot about the future,
the only ambition I have is to get a better and better graphican so that I can live easily with
enough money and always just work in jobs that will bring me closer and closer to my goal...
Oh, I forgot...for 3 years I have an own column in the last german ATARI-magazine (ST-COMPUTER)...where
I write something about the scene and so on...
How nice.. :)hmm, do you remember your first computer? And what computer do you use now?Do you
also miss the the good old days of c64 and A500?
My first computer was an ATARI 800XE (argh, the opponent of the C64...=)...) and I payed a lot
of money for this cause I wanted to code something. At this time I was 16 years old and from
this moment on I loved this hobby more and more. The simple architecture of this little "AMIGA"
gave me the chance to understand a computer and how it works. Than I got an ATARI ST and later an
AMIGA, too. 1994 I put my hands on a ATARI Falcon and since january 97 I have a PC, too (for faster
rendering of course). Yes, I miss the fat scene-days a little bit but it's also cool to be in the
professional business. I remember nights watching demos together with friends and dream about a
career as a gamegraphican or
something =)...
hehe :) I guess most of os did that, back then.tell me, how and when did you become involved in the scene and when did you start
I did my first steps with BASIC and one day I coded an own paintprogram in BASIC and drew my
first digital picture with a Joystick point for point (before this I was not so intrested in
grafik). I remember exactly it was a dungeon like scene...I showed this picture to a friend,
he was a very good coder and he was impressed about the pic and said: Eyy man, we make an adventure!
From this day on I make plans for more grafik and paint some pic┤s for this project (of course it was
never finished but that was the reason why I made more and more grafik)...OK, a few years later
(I think around 1990) I bought my first ATARI ST and was very happy about its big resolution and
colourdepth (320*200 in 16 colors...grin...). I coded and made grafix again and on this machine
I first looked at a demo. Yep, from this moment on I wished to be in a cool crew. And one year
later I joined a crew called ACF, we made some intros and of course a megademo and that gave us
a place under the most famous ATARI-crews...from this time on I was in the charts under the first
5 ATARI-grafikans...I was very proud of this and worked hard on myself...I sat nearly every day in
front of my ST and painted a lot . In 1992 on a copyparty (before the megademo) I had my key
expirience: I saw a french grafikan who copied a comic, until this moment I painted out of
my mind only but since that time on I had the wish to make real pictures, not only little pics
and logos and so on... OK, the rest is typical...I copied many artists like Boris Vallejo and
Vicente Segrelle and tried to develop a cool technique to bring the originals in the best way
under the limitations of the hardware. But in 1994 I got my FALCON with its unbelieveable
grafikpossibilities (16 Bit colourdepth and max. resolution around 786*512). On this machine
I painted my first 16Bit picture which also was my last copy of an other artist (the dragon
and the persons were from V.Segrelle, the rest was my own ;)...). I think if U have (nearly)
no hardware-limitations U have to go your own way, coz┤ it┤s no special art to copy a picture
one to one if U ┤ve got so many colours and hires. Jep, U can see the rest ...
I agree with you completely.Which hardware/software do you use for drawing, and where do you get the
inspiration from?
In my ST times I painted with DPaint ST, yes believe it , it looks different from the AMIGA one,
but has the same functions. Later I painted a few pictures on my AMIGA with the original DP.,too.
For pixeling I use my good old FALCON mostly, with a simple paintprogram coded by friends from the
scene. I only need a cool ZOOM-function and that┤s it. But in the last half year I "played" around
with my prefered renderkit (CINEMA-4D) mostly and made aditional GFX with Photoshop...not so much
I┤am inspired by the world around me, I┤ve got the best ideas in the "Hamburger subway". If the
idea is really cool I write it down at once forming the details in my mind, till the motive in my
head is clear. It happens often that I go to sleep, thinking about some visual effects, then I get
up and try out the idea . My entry for the Silliconvention97 rendercompo, was such a case. 70%
of the work was made between 2 - 8 o┤clock AM, and after sleeping I made the final touches.
2-8 a clock? thats pretty late.Hmm, how many hours a day do you spend in front of your computer, and how many
of those hours are used on making gfx?
I think 4-6 hours every day (including job) , 3/4 of this time is involved in grafik.
The rest is www or scene-things.
ok.When drawing, do you have a perfect vision in your mind or do you draw more
freely, by letting your image evolve in whatever direction you may feel
like it.
I have no a really finished motive in my mind but I do have the mood I want.
During the painting it can very well be that I have a better idea for details in the
picture so that the final result has not much to do with my first idea, except the mood.
Hehe :) Please describe in steps how do you create an image.Do you start by
making an sketch on paper, or is everything done on the computer.
Until now I┤ve never made a sketch before...I start with the outlines and change them until
the proportions are right. Then I try out the colours I want. When that is OK, I make the
details more and more exact. My own thing is that I have NO palette. In my GFX-prog I can
change the RGB-chanels freely with keys so I can change the colors absolutely freely. It┤s
nearly a convetional way of painting like with oil, but pixel for pixel.
I know from my own experience that it can take days and often weeks to
draw a good picture.How long does it take to draw a good picture for
you, and what are the most important aspects of making a great
If I make a picture for a competition I change my lifestyle completely. I do nothing else
and spend one - two weeks only for pixeling, mostly 15 and more hours a day. Yes it┤s a hard trip,
but one or two times in a year I like it =)... In my opinion the most important thing is the
idea...everyone can learn a clean technique but forming a cool motive in your mind (and stand
behind it) is even harder. The problem is that during the painting U see your own motive every
day and half of the time U think it┤s complete shit and the other half U think it┤s┤s an emotional up┤and┤down...I think the copyist doesn┤t have such a close feeling
of that.
I really like your idea of "changing the lifestyle completely".I alwys try to di it myself, when I can.
But rarely have time for it.Anyway, what do you find the most difficult to draw, and which phase of your
drawing do you enjoy most.Personally I like mostly making the finishing
touches when the image is about 95% complete.
The hardest phase is making a motiv in outlines and find the colours, but it┤s the most creative
phase, too. That is the reason I like it ... the rest is a bit of a slave`s job but U get more┤s fun, too...
Which of your own images do you consider as the best one and which was
the most difficult to draw?
The best one is always the latest one, but the real best one is a picture that U will still
like after years. My today┤s favorite is the last piece I drew, but the hardest work I ever
dealt with is my SYMPOSIUM 96 picture coz┤ it is in hires and not easy to paint, partly into
interlace-mode...I split the picture in sections, so it is hard to get a complete picture
with the right proportions...I think I have around 25Mb developing GFX, only for this pic...I
plan to do a "making of" corner of some of my pic┤s on my website, coz┤ it exists a lot of
people that can┤t imagine how such a pixelpic evolves.
Great idea, it could be really cool if you could post them to GFXZ as well.
> Do you consider drawing in 8 bit color mode a limitation or a challenge for you?
All my latest pictures are in 16Bit, it┤s easier to develop a less sterile style...but in my
ST/AMIGA times I saw the color-limitation as a challenge...from time to time I very much like
making a logo or something in limitated┤s a kind of sport..
:) What do you think about raytracing?
Jep, I spend almost the last nine months raytracing and it┤s a cool way to get
a fast visualisation of your idea. But many raytraced pictures are complete manure.
In my opinion a better trace-man is someone who has pixelated before coz┤ he knows
exactly what he wants from his picture. The second point is that , for example,
I paint ,of course, most of the textures myself, so that I have a better control
of the result...(on the professional side I ONLY trace coz┤ it┤s faster and for
animations it┤s a must)...Believe me, I know what I┤m talking about coz┤ I have
been pixelating for the last 2-3 years for games and other commercial things
and tracing done right tracing is faster AND better... But the best way is a
combination of all techniques... tracing, pixeling and retouch...
I agree with you completely :)What do you think about
redrawing then?
Redrawing is very important to develop a good technique and to learn about proportions,
colors etc. ...but one day U must take the next step!
Thats very true.I just wish that more scene graphicians were willing to take the next step ASAP for
their own good.
Well, you have Been an active scener for some time now, you must have seen a lot of
pics made by other graphicians.Who is your favourite graphician and why?
Yes, in the past there were some AMIGA-guys like RA (sorry I don┤t know all the other names)
that I like. I met some very nice grafikans and respect their work but in the last few years I
found the sceneoutput a bit boring. Very clean techniques but the same motives every time
...halfnaked women are so easy to paint .. And one aspect I really dislike is, that so many
graphicians try to cheat only to win a competition, it┤s so poor. For example on the Symposium96
there was an anonymous compo, but some guys showed their images with included alias before and
after the compo on their own machines, or made another entry under a different pseudo... but
the lamest assholes handed in scanned and retouched┤s cool that I still won but U lose
your motivation because of such things...
My greatest respect belongs to another ATARI-scener, my frind McFLY...he gives his soul for a
picture and he makes the best pixeled grafik ever seen...(hope to see him on this website in the
future)...but during the last 2-3 years he has only been working on commercial things...I wish we
could make a final fight =)...
Sounds very interesting, Im sure that other graphicians would love to see McFlys work.(u have his email?)
Now, I dont know how much you know about the Amiga scene but, do you have any favourite groups,
musicians, coders, diskmags?Favourite demos?
Of course, but mostly on the ATARI side of the scene. On AMIGA I enjoyed the work of ┤sanity┤ and
┤kefrens┤ ...musikans like Jester and Jasper Kyd are always remembered...but I don┤t know any
names of newer demos... On ATARI my favorite groups are LAZER, AVENA (my own crew)an TSCC.
Musikans are TOMMY(AVENA) and STAX(LAZER) on the digital side, MAD MAX(TEX), TAO(CREAM),
BigAlec(Delta Force) and Scavenger(Synergy) on the CHIPmusic side. I meet a lot of very cool
coders like Tat(AVENA), Photon and Energizer (LAZER), Lucky of ST (Inter) and some guys from
TSCC (sorry, there are many more)... My (gfx)respect also for Niko, Tanis, Spaz and many more...
Yeah!I really like Sanity and Kefrens too.Productions from these old groups are simply unforgetable.Ok,
what are your future party plans, are you heading for Saturne'97 or
The Party'97, other parties?
Wait and see.....I┤am not so motivated coz┤ it┤s little challenge... But I┤am thinking about
a "final fight": I will only go to another nonATARI party if I have my very best most
brainblasting picture ever and if I feel certain that I rule the competition ...maybe
I will find the time for this project...
"most brainblasting pic", woW!Im really looking forward to that :))
What does the scene mean to you, and which aspects do you like/disl ike
about it?
The ATARI-scene was very important for me, we are a great family and it┤s very nice to
meet all the people on a party. I respect the AMIGA-scene for its creative output .
I think that everybody should respect the Amiga scene for its creative output.
Well, you are more or less a proffessional graphician, but what are your goals in this business?
Well, I┤m nearly a prof graphican,now, and it┤s nice to get money for things U like to do.
My future goal is to manage professional software like ALIAS and Softimage and learn more
and more every time ...and one day I would like to make computeranimations for movies or so...
actually, I have the same goal :)Who knows, maybe some time in the future we will meet at ILM or
hmm??!Could be cool..Anyway, what are your other interests/hobbies, besides your scene activities?
I read a lot and I like good books very much. A cool author is Nil Stephenson.
Besides that I like to be in motion on my rollerblades or on some kind of fighting
arts. Since I life in Hamburg I have started a new carrier as a partyfreak, in this
city U can make party every night┤s so cool...And on top of that I spend most
of my freetime together with good friends...
Thats great!btw, I forgot to ask you this: who is your favourite artist outside the scene?
I like the work from Jeremy Birn (renderer) and aspects from Escher and some artist that
I don┤t know the names of.
Do you believe in God?What is the meaning of life?
NOT really. The meaning is: be, and "fa▀ das leben an" (or 42..grin).
One last question: how did you come up with your handle/alias?
Ohhh no, my alias is the worst ever heard of...and the story is embarrassing, but
I hate changing the alias every week...that┤s the reason why I stuck to mine for
seven years, now...
Ok, well we reached an end of this interview, would you like to say Hello to anyone?
Yes! I wont to say hello to all creative guys in the scenes I have ever met,
of course all graphicians (especially McFly (Bleick)) and the guys from my
crews ACF,CREAM & AVENA...and of course my best friend JANOSCH the musikan...and at
least greetings to: Silli ,Gesa ,Beret ,Merle ,Doroteh ,Moui ,Eun Young ,Yan Soon
and especial to Youan Nim...
Thank you for your time, and best of all in your future plans as a
graphician. :)
No problem, I┤am proud to be on this site...thx
Im very glad to hear that, it makes me happy :)
check out A.-t- gallery